Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Free Kindle book— 101 Offline Activities You Can Do with Your Child

Thanks to the MoneySavingMom blog for the tip on this free Kindle ebook. "101 Offline Activities You Can Do with Your Child" by Steve & Ruth Bennet likely won't be available for long at the FREE rate. So go ahead and check it out. Even if you can't read the book right now, save it for a rainy or snowy day when you're cooped up with the kids. You're sure to enjoy the quality time and learn something in the process.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Storm Born - by Richelle Mead

As a big fan of Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series, I wanted to try out another book by the author. I stumbled upon the first book in a series starring Eugenie Markham, Storm Born. While the Vampire Academy books were geared towards young adults, the Storm Born was definitely geared towards more mature audiences.

The story centers around Eugenie Markham, a shaman whose normal day centers on banishing elementals to the Underworld. When she becomes interested in a special case, involved visiting the Otherworld, she learns more about the Shining Ones than she bargained for, and learns a lot about herself too.

Although I was prepared for the occasional light curse word, the language in this series was much more mature, with frequent swearing, and the multiple sex scenes and even rape attempts. Despite the language, I initially wanted to say I liked the story line, but it was so laden with sexual tendencies and innuendo that it was difficult to look for a storyline that didn't center on sex. What Mead did do well was create characters the reader would want to read more of. Mead also uses such vivid and descriptive language that the reader can easily visualize what she is describing.

While I want to rate this book higher than a 1 star, I just can't due to the prevalence of sex and foul language. If these things don't bother you, you may really like the book and series.