Monday, June 4, 2012

The Hunger Games — by Suzanne Collins

So apparently I'm among one of the only YA fans to not have read "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins before it appeared on the silverscreen. Once I kept hearing all the hype, I decided to put my name on the waiting list at my local library. Unfortunately, the list was several hundred people long. When a friend at work heard my dilemma, she graciously allowed me to borrow her copy. It wasn't a long loan though, since I tore through the book in just a few, short days.

One of the things I love about "The Hunger Games" was that it detailed enough with the gruesomeness of  being a tribute, but it didn't use pervasive foul language or get too graphic.

This story has drama, love, mystery and oh-so-much-more. While I still haven't seen the movie, I can tell you I'm in love with the series, and can't wait to read more by this author. I rate this book a very high 4 stars.

Friday, June 1, 2012

"Teen Wolf" TV Show

In light of my YA fetish (if you can call it that) I was interested to see a recommendation pop up on my Hulu account recently. Not having cable myself, I hadn't heard of the MTV show "Teen Wolf" airing (although I seem to remember reading that the show was in the works several months ago). In my opinion "Teen Wolf" has everything a YA fan could want. Mystery, creatures, a love story, and a hilarious side-kick.

Fora clip of the show, check out the video below. There is a re-cast from the clip to the actual show though, Alissa (the girl's dad) but from what I can see from the clip it was definitely a good call; the "new" dad is much more age appropriate.  The entire season is available on Hulu for free for just a few days, so check it out here.